Welcome to the 30th Edition of the Single Event Effects (SEE) Symposium
coupled with the Military and Aerospace Programmable Logic Devices (MAPLD) Workshop
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Featuring over 700 talks spanning years 2006-2019
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Please join us during the week of August 30th, 2021 for the virtually held
30th Edition of the Single Event Effects (SEE) Symposium and Military and Aerospace Programmable Logic Devices (MAPLD) Workshop
We are seeking contributions in the following areas, but all submissions will be reviewed. Four sessions are available: SEE, MAPLD, Combined, and Poster.
The Combined Session includes submissions that cross SEE and MAPLD themes. The Poster Session can include SEE, MAPLD, or Combined content. Please refrain
from technical content reasonably classified as product marketing.
Acknowledging the events of the past year, our technical chairs especially encourage the submission of content focusing on:
1) Standards & Methods |
4) Modeling and Simulation |
2) Alternatives to Heavy Ion and Proton Testing |
5) Relevant Test Facility Updates |
3) Space Environments |
Submit Your Abstract Here
Deadline has been extended to April 28, 2021
SEE Symposium
New! Artificial Intelligence (AI) / Machine Learning (ML) in FPGAs/SoCs: AI / ML design considerations for reliable terrestrial, avionic, and aerospace applications; using AI for SEE mitigation; SEE evaluation of designs leveraging AI / ML
Phenomena: Upsets, Functional Interrupts, Transients, Latchup, Gate Rupture, Burnout, etc.
FPGAs/SoCs, PLDs, and New Devices: New and/or novel FPGA and PLDs; Benchmarking of FPGAs and PLDs; Applications of space-borne processing.
Basic Mechanisms and Modeling: Destructive and Non-Destructive Effects, Nanoscale Phenomena, Charge Transport and Collection, Impact of Circuit and Environmental Parameters, etc.
Mitigation of Single event effects in FPGAs/SoCs, PLDs, and commercial electronics: Multi-level approaches for high reliability and fault tolerance (redundancy, TMR, SET filtering, etc…), upset mitigation techniques and automated tools, etc.
SEE Mitigation Methods Including Radiation Hardened by Design (RHBD) and by Process (RHBP): Approaches for gaining SEE hardness in commercial devices, etc.
Designing with FPGAs/SoCs, and PLDs: agile methods, ESL/HLS and model-based engineering techniques, embedded processing, and synthesis efficiency improvements.
Environments and Facilities: Space, Atmospheric and Terrestrial environments. Heavy Ion, Proton, Neutron and Pulsed Laser Test Facilities.
Validation and Verification of FPGAs/SoCs, and PLDs: Verification techniques and languages such as co-simulation, System Verilog and OVM/UVM. Simulation speed-up techniques, emulation, new tools and methods for design validation.
Operational Regimes and Performance Data: Systems and Devices from LEO to Interplanetary, High Altitude Aircraft, and Terrestrial.
Availability/Reliability/Susceptibility of programmable devices: Failure mechanisms, reliability testing and characterization, packaging reliability, reliable design practices.
Electronic & Photonic Device Data and Measurement Techniques: Memories, Analog/Digital Circuits, systems-on-chip (SoCs), Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs), Optocouplers, Photonic Integrated Circuits, Power Converters, Sensors, etc.
Novel Applications and Case Studies: Reconfigurable computing, high-performance processing using programmable logic, successful deployment of programmable logic, etc.
Systems and Error Rate Computation: Error Mitigation, Error Detection & Correction, Multi-core Processing, and Fault Tolerant Systems; Analytic, Monte Carlo, Mixed-Level, methods, etc.
Technical Management of FPGAs and PLDs: Technical leadership, process management and metrics.
Education: Education Practices, Market Demands for Military and Aerospace Component Engineers, and Engineer Retention.
*All options subject to change any time, per the discretion of the conference committee
Tuesday, August 31, 2021 |
Paris |
Event |
2021 SEE/MAPLD Venue Opens to Attendees at 6:30 AM PDT |
6:30 AM |
9:30 AM |
3:30 PM |
Live - Opening Remarks, SEE and MAPLD Track Introductions
Megan Casey, NASA/GSFC
Nadia Rezzak, Microchip |
6:45 AM |
9:45 AM |
3:45 PM |
Live - Batch Release 1 - Introduction
Rebekah Austin, NASA/GSFC |
7:00 AM |
10:00 AM |
4:00 PM |
On-Demand, Pre-Recorded - Batch Release 1
(view in any order desired) |
Heavy Ion and Proton Facilities Session (6 Talks)
On-Orbit Radiation Experiments Session (2 Talks) |
Radiation Effects Testing with Protons in Knoxville, Tennessee
Vladimir Derenchuk, ProNova Solutions |
Data Analysis of a memory Single Event Effect
Experiment in Geostationary orbit
Christian Poivey, ESA |
Challenges of Creating and Operating an SEE Testing Program
at a Medical Proton Center
Steven Laub, Northwestern Medicine Proton Center |
ECR Ion Source Upgrades at the Cyclotron Institute
at Texas A&M University
Henry Clark, Cyclotron Institute at Texas A&M University |
Common Issues Surrounding Heavy Ion Test Facilities and Users
Pepito Thelly, Texas A&M University |
Implementation of a Radiation Detector Based on
SRAM-based FPGAs on TAUSAT-1 Nano-satellite
Eitan Keren, SOREQ NRC |
The Use of High Energy Heavy Ion Facilities:
A Perspective on Return on Investment (ROI)
Ken LaBel, SSAI/GSFC |
Proposed High Energy Effects Test Facility
at Brookhaven National Laboratory
Kevin Brown, Brookhaven National Laboratory |
9:00 AM |
12:00 PM |
6:00 PM |
Pre-Recorded - Tutorial 1: Radiation Modeling and Effects on Electronic Devices with SPENVIS
Erwin De Donder, Royal Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy |
9:17 AM |
12:17 PM |
6:17 PM |
Live - Tutorial 1 Q&A Session
Moderated by Steve LaLumondiere |
9:30 AM |
12:30 PM |
6:30 PM |
Exhibitor Break
Welcome our Exhibitors and Interact with Attendees in REMO Social Room |
10:30 AM |
1:30 PM |
7:30 PM |
Live - Batch Release 2 - Introduction
Tyler Lovelly, AFRL |
10:45 AM |
1:45 PM |
7:45 PM |
On-Demand, Pre-Recorded - Batch Release 2
(view in any order desired) |
FPGAs/SoCs, PLDs, and New Devices Session (4 Talks)
Environments Session (4 Talks) |
Comparing A5 SEE Faults in Various Hardware
Steve Guertin, NASA/JPL |
NAIRAS Model Characterization of the LEO Environment
for the Assessment of SEE Radiation Risks
Christopher Mertens, NASA/LaRC |
CAES Space Memory Roadmap
Anthony Jordan, CAES |
An Assessment of Space Weather Architectures
Support Deep Space Exploration
Joseph Minow, NASA/MSFC |
Xilinx Accelerated SEE Test Methodology for
ISO-26262 Functional Safety Certification
Yanran Chen, Xilinx |
SIRE2 Toolkit Update
Zachary Robinson, 5th Gait Technologies |
Preliminary Results from Single-Event Characterization
of the 7nm Xilinx Versal ACAP in Heavy-Ion Irradiation
David Lee, Sandia National Laboratories |
Evaluating SEE Rate Prediction Methods for Complex Devices
Brian Sierawski, Vanderbilt University |
12:45 PM |
3:45 PM |
9:45 PM |
Pre-recorded - Tutorial 2: Radiation Induced Single-Event Effects: Experiences and Lessons Learned
Steve Buchner, NRL |
1:17 PM |
4:17 PM |
10:17 PM |
Live - Tutorial 2 Q&A Session
Moderated by Rebekah Austin |
1:30 PM |
4:30 PM |
10:30 PM |
Live - Exhibitor Webinar Series 1
(20 Minute Parallel Timeslots) |
Radiation Hardened Plastic Products Lead the Charge
into the Future of Space Grade Electronics
Renesas |
Triad Semiconductor RadHard Space Product Overview
Triad Semiconductor |
1:50 PM |
4:50 PM |
10:50 PM |
3D-Plus USA New Product Overview
3D-Plus USA |
NEPP Program Activities Update
NASA Electronic Parts and Packaging Program |
2:10 PM |
5:10 PM |
11:10 PM |
Portfolio and Roadmap Updates
Apogee Semiconductor |
Radiation Effects Analysis by Using NOVICE
2:30 PM |
5:30 PM |
11:30 PM |
Single Event Effect Facilities at BNL -
(current and proposed)
Brookhaven National Laboratory |
Renesas RTG4 Reference Design
Renesas |
2:50 PM |
5:50 PM |
11:50 PM |
Using Columns versus Solder Balls to Extend Operating Life
TopLine |
Crocker Nuclear Laboratory at UC Davis
Crocker Nuclear Laboratory |
3:10 PM |
6:10 PM |
12:10 AM |
Affordable Rad-hard Solutions for Any Size Project
Vorago Technologies |
3:30 PM |
6:30 PM |
12:30 AM |
End of Events for Tuesday, August 31, 2021 |
Wednesday, September 1, 2021 |
Paris |
Event |
2021 SEE/MAPLD Resumes at 6:30 AM PDT |
6:30 AM |
9:30 AM |
3:30 PM |
Live - Morning Welcome and Announcements
Pierre Maillard, Xilinx |
6:45 AM |
9:45 AM |
3:45 PM |
Live - Batch Release 3 - Introduction
Rebekah Austin, NASA/GSFC |
7:00 AM |
10:00 AM |
4:00 PM |
On-Demand, Pre-Recorded - Batch Release 3
(view in any order desired) |
Laser and X-Ray Facilities & Guidelines Session (6 Talks)
Learning and Development Session (3 Talks) |
One and Two Photon Absorption Laser Scanning Test Facility
with Fine Beam Motion and Temperature Control
Li Chen, University of Saskatchewan |
Training the Next-Generation Radiation Effects Test Engineer
Daniel Loveless, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga |
SEE Testing Using A MOPAW Fiber Laser With A 1030 nm Emission
Rez Mani, Allied Scientific Pro |
Development and Current Status of a
Laser Test Guidelines Document
Dale McMorrow, NRL |
The RADNEXT Project: An International Network of Facilities
for Electronics Irradiation
Matteo Cecchetto, CERN |
The Evolution of Laser/Ion Correlation in Single-Event Effects
Joel Hales, NRL |
Laser-Based Testing for Part Selection for Space Missions
Dale McMorrow, NRL |
NESC RHA Guidelines - Philosophy / Overview / Analysis
Ray Ladbury, NASA/GSFC |
Angle Dependence of Focused X-Ray-Induced
Single-Event Transients
Kaitlyn Ryder, Vanderbilt University/GSFC |
9:00 AM |
12:00 PM |
6:00 PM |
Live - Q&A for Tuesday's Heavy Ion and Proton Facilities Session
Moderated by Steve LaLumondiere |
9:15 AM |
12:15 PM |
6:15 PM |
Live - Q&A for Tuesday's On-Orbit Radiation Experiment Session
Moderated by Rebekah Austin |
9:30 AM |
12:30 PM |
6:30 PM |
Live (2 Hours, in REMO)
Exhibitor Reception - Welcome our 2021 Exhibitors!
Exhibitor Building open 9:30 AM - 11:30 AM PDT
At 10:15 AM PDT the following Social Buildings will be open to attendees:
Social Building: Join tables to converse with other attendees on technical and fun topics!
Trivia Building: Team up with fellow attendees to win! Limit of 6 people per team.
Trivia MC: Jonny Pellish
11:30 AM |
2:30 PM |
8:30 PM |
Live - Q&A for Tuesday's FPGAs, PLDs, and New Devices Session
Moderated by Tyler Lovelly |
11:45 AM |
2:45 PM |
8:45 PM |
Live - Q&A for Tuesday's Environments Session
Moderated by Rebekah Austin |
12:00 PM |
3:00 PM |
9:00 PM |
Live - Batch Release 4 - Introduction
Steve LaLumondiere, The Aerospace Corporation |
12:15 PM |
3:15 PM |
9:15 PM |
On-Demand, Pre-Recorded - Batch Release 4
(view in any order desired) |
Radiation Hardness Assurance Session (6 Talks)
FPGA Assurance Session (4 Talks) |
Propagating Single-Event Effects Across Levels
of System Model Abstraction
Chris Watkins, Vanderbilt University |
Protecting Reconfigurable FPGAs from Malicious Bitstreams
Salam Zantout, The Aerospace Corporation |
Radiation Testing in the Era of pLEO and COTS
Scott Davis, The Aerospace Corporation |
Patchable Hardware Security Module (PHaSM) for Extending
FPGA Root-of-Trust Capabilities
Grant Skipper, Indiana University |
Alternate Approach to Radiation Hardening to Mitigate SEE
in SoCs Using Low-Cost Non-COTS Parts
David Gifford, Vorago Technologies |
Automatic Resynchronization of TMR-ed Asynchronous FIFOs
Patrick Fleming, Raytheon Technologies |
Connecting Mission Profiles and Radiation Vulnerability Assessment
Richard Nederlander, Vanderbilt University |
Model and Testing-Based Assurance of COTS Systems
in Space Radiation Environments
Peter Koncelik, Vanderbilt University |
Post-Radiation Testing Fault Injection for FPGA RISC-V SOC System
Andrew Wilson, Brigham Young University |
Smallsat Mission Assurance: Lessons Learned,
Applied through Integration & Test
Jeffrey Kelley, Blue Canyon Technologies |
2:15 PM |
5:15 PM |
11:15 PM |
Live - Poster Session Introduction
Martha O'Bryan, SSAI/GSFC |
2:20 PM |
5:20 PM |
11:20 PM |
Poster Session
(visit poster authors' Zoom Rooms during the session) |
Domestic U.S. Proton Access Status - Update for >200 MeV Sites
Ken LaBel, SSAI/GSFC |
Current State of Domestic Heavy Ion Test Facilities
Jonathan Pellish, NASA/GSFC |
Mixed-Field and Heavy Ion Irradiations at the CHARM Facility
Matteo Cecchetto, CERN |
28nm FD-SOI FPGA TID Tolerance
Jim Tavacoli, Lattice Semiconductor |
SEE Characterization of the UT54LVDS454 LVDS 1.25Gb/s Repeater
Aaron Turnbull, CAES |
3:45 PM |
6:45 PM |
12:45 AM |
End of Events for Wednesday, September 1, 2021 |
Thursday, September 2, 2021 |
Paris |
Event |
2021 SEE/MAPLD Resumes at 6:30 AM PDT |
6:30 AM |
9:30 AM |
3:30 PM |
Live - Morning Welcome and Announcements
Megan Casey, NASA/GSFC |
6:45 AM |
9:45 AM |
3:45 PM |
Live - Batch Release 5 - Introduction
Tyler Lovelly, AFRL |
7:00 AM |
10:00 AM |
4:00 PM |
On-Demand, Pre-Recorded - Batch Release 5
(view in any order desired) |
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Session (4 Talks)
Designing with FPGAs Session (5 Talks) |
Towards AI-Based Mitigation of SEE
Daniel Loveless, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga |
Design and Simulation of Bitcoin Mining and
of the Zybo Z7-20 FPGA
Mohamed El-Hadedy, California Polytechnic University |
Using Machine Learning to Calculate Proton
Cross-Sections from Heavy-Ion Data
David Hansen, Space Micro |
Reco-GAGE: A Reconfigurable Lightweight
GAGE Hash Function Engine for IoT Devices
Mohamed El-Hadedy, California Polytechnic University |
Machine Learning-based EEG Data for
Autonomous Weapons: Preliminary Study
Lucien Ngalamou, Lewis University |
A Reconfigurable SP-SVPWM for DC to AC Conversion
Lucien Ngalamou, Lewis University |
HPCB High Performance Compute Board:
A Fault-Tolerant Module for On-board Vision Processing
Joaquin Espana-Navarro, Cobham Gaisler |
Approaches for FPGA Design Assurance
Jeff Goeders, Brigham Young University |
Enabling New Applications on Mars through
Reconfigurable Coprocessing
Jim Butler, NASA/JPL |
9:00 AM |
12:00 PM |
6:00 PM |
Live - Q&A for Wednesday's Laser and X-Ray Facilities and Testing Session
Moderated by Steve LaLumondiere |
9:15 AM |
12:15 PM |
6:15 PM |
Live - Q&A for Wednesday's Learning and Development Session
Moderated by Rebekah Austin |
9:30 AM |
12:30 PM |
6:30 PM |
Exhibitor Break (30 min) |
10:00 AM |
1:00 PM |
7:00 PM |
Live - Invited Talk 1: Driving Space Environment Research and Education via a New Paradigm
Tamitha Skov, Millersville University |
10:45 AM |
1:45 PM |
7:45 PM |
Live - Q&A Session for Invited Talk 1
Moderated by Steve LaLumondiere |
11:00 AM |
2:00 PM |
8:00 PM |
Exhibitor Break (1 Hour) |
12:00 PM |
3:00 PM |
9:00 PM |
Live - Q&A for Wednesday's Radiation Hardness Assurance Session
Moderated by Steve LaLumondiere |
12:15 PM |
3:15 PM |
9:15 PM |
Live - Q&A for Wednesday's FPGA Assurance Session
Moderated by Tyler Lovelly |
12:30 PM |
3:30 PM |
9:30 PM |
Pre-Recorded - Invited Talk 2: End Point AI for Mil-Aero
Kevin Morris, Techfocus Media |
1:15 PM |
4:15 PM |
10:15 PM |
Live - Q&A Session for Invited Talk 1
Moderated by Ken LaBel |
1:30 PM |
4:30 PM |
10:30 PM |
Live - Q&A for Today's Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Session
Moderated by Tyler Lovelly |
1:45 PM |
4:45 PM |
10:45 PM |
Live Panel Discussion: NESC RHA Guidelines - Testing/TAMU Bootcamp Testing
Panelists: Michael Campola, NASA/GSFC; Greg Allen, NASA/JPL; Henry Clark, Cyclotron Inst. at TAMU
Moderated by Rebekah Austin |
2:00 PM |
5:00 PM |
11:00 PM |
2:15 PM |
5:15 PM |
11:15 PM |
2:30 PM |
5:30 PM |
11:30 PM |
Live - Exhibitor Webinar Series 2
(20 Minute Parallel Timeslots) |
Radiation Effects Testing at Provision Center for
Proton Therapy located in Knoxville, TN
ProNova Solutions |
RadHard ASIC Future Flexibility
Flex Logix |
2:50 PM |
5:50 PM |
11:50 PM |
New Frontiers in Applied Non-Von Neumann Computing for Aerospace
GSI Technology |
3:10 PM |
6:10 PM |
12:10 PM |
Live - Q&A for Today's Designing with FPGAs Session
Moderated by Tyler Lovelly |
3:30 PM |
6:30 PM |
12:30 AM |
End of Events for Thursday, September 2, 2021
Registered Attendees may review all materials on-demand through November 30th, 2021
2021 SEE/MAPLD - Invited Speakers and Tutorial Sessions:
Invited Speaker - Thursday Morning |
Thursday, September 2, 10:00AM PDT
Driving Space Environment Research
and Education via a New Paradigm
The paradigm shift that space weather is real, relevant and knowable to a general audience is not as
impossible as once imagined. Although it remains a difficult topic to convey, new methods of teaching
and communicating the hazards of the space environment to the technical non-expert and the public
alike are far more accessible than in the past. In return, the appetite for more timely and accurate
space weather information by these informed audiences is driving more robust observation and forecast
methodologies. In this talk we will discuss some major factors contributing to the explosive growth
in space weather awareness over the past few years and show some surprising consequences of this
awareness within the public arena. The discussion will cover how heightened visibility of the space
environment is driving more accountability in operational space weather forecasting, as well as
broadening the need for space weather education. We will also discuss how the growing capabilities
of the private space sector play a role in accelerating these processes. Emerging private and public
beneficiaries of these improvements in forecasting and education will be highlighted, along with a
discussion of advances beyond academia that demonstrate a growing intersection of heliospheric
science, meteorology, and the public use of space weather information.
Dr. Tamitha Skov
Earth Sciences Department
Millersville University
We are pleased to announce that Dr. Tamitha Skov, known by many as
Space Weather Woman, will be joining us live on Thursday, September 2nd, at 10:00AM PDT.
Invited Speaker - Thursday Afternoon |
Thursday, September 2, 12:30PM PDT
End Point AI for MIL-AERO
Kevin Morris
Techfocus Media, Inc.
Kevin founded Techfocus Media in 2003. Techfocus Media are the publishers of EE Journal, FPGA Journal, Embedded Technology Journal, IC Design and Verification Journal, and other industry trade publications.
He is currently president of Techfocus Media and editor-in-chief of EEJournal.com
. |
Tutorial Session 1 |
Tuesday, August 31
10:00 AM PDT
Radiation Modelling and Effects on Electronic Devices with SPENVIS
Erwin De Donder
Royal Belgium Institute for Space Aeronomy
Tutorial Session 2 |
Tuesday, August 31
1:45 PM PDT
Radiation Induced Single-Event Effects, Experience and Lessons Learned
Stephen Buchner
Naval Research Laboratory
Panel Discussion |
Thursday, September 2
1:45 PM PDT
Heavy Ion Single Event Effects (SEE) Testing
Greg Allen, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Michael Campola, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Supporter/Exhibitor and Exhibitor Benefits:
You will receive our SEE/MAPLD Attendee List two weeks prior to the Event
(only Attendees who mark to be on the Attendee List will appear)
Webinar slot (20-minute time) to promote your products from your Virtual Exhibit
Supporter/Exhibitor Brochure, with 50 word company description, posted on SEE/MAPLD web and during the Virtual Event
We will provide an email to attendees highlighting Supporters/Exhibitors one week before and one month after.
All Supporter/Exhibitors receive a Double Virtual Booth
Welcome Our 2021 Exhibitors
Supporter and Exhibitor Brochure
2021 SEE/MAPLD Virtual Supporter/Exhibitor Registration is open. Click here for details
Please contact Teresa Farris if you have any questions.
Teresa Farris
Archon, LLC
Supporters / Exhibitors |

3D Plus
contact: Marilou Delacruz
phone: 510-824-5591
email: mdelacruz@3d-plususa.com
web: www.3d-plususa.com

contact: Lauren Cyran
phone: 719-437-9191
email: to lauren.cyran@caes.com
web: www.caes.com

Renesas Electronics America
contact: Kiran Bernard
phone: 321-724-7247
email: kiran.bernard.jy@gr.renesas.com
web: www.renesas.com

contact: Martin Hart
email: info@topline.tv
phone: 800-776-9888
web: www.topline.tv

VORAGO Technologies
contact: Jen Quinonez
phone: 512-633-7992
email: Jenq@voragotech.com
web: www.voragotech.com

Northwestern Medicine Proton Center
contact: Steve Laub
email: steven.laub@nm.org
phone: 630-821-6376
web: www.protoncenter.nm.org

contact: Larisa Milic
email: lmilic@empc.com
phone: 301-869-2317
web: www.empc.com

NASA Electronic Parts and Packaging (NEPP) Program
contact: Jonny Pellish
email: jonathan.pellish@nasa.gov
phone: 301-286-1852
web: nepp.nasa.gov
2021 SEE/MAPLD Workshop Registration Process
Ground Rules For All Attendees |
Attendee registration is open from May 7 to November 30, 2021
Attendees will receive an instructional email from "SEE/MAPLD 2021"
Online Event URL: https://www.engagez.net/SEEMAPLD2021
Please watch for this prior to the event!
Registrations cannot be shared
Registration for Attendees and Exhibitors |
Registration Option |
Fee |
Virtual Full Admission |
$325.00 |
Virtual Full Admission: Full-Time Retiree |
$100.00 |
Virtual Full Admission: Full-Time Student |
$50.00 |
Note: There is no Guest Registration for 2021
Contact Teresa.Farris@archon-llc.com if you have any questions!
ALL Attendees and Exhibitors: CLICK HERE to Register
Registration for Supporter/Exhibitors and Exhibitors |
SEE/MAPLD offers a Supporter/Exhibitor and Exhibitor category for the Virtual Event!
SEE/MAPLD Virtual Supporter/Exhibitor is $2000 with 4 Virtual Full Admission Registrations
and 10 passes to attend the Virtual Exhibits (to be used for customers or staff)
SEE/MAPLD Virtual Exhibitor is $1000 with 2 Virtual Full Admission Registrations.
10 passes to attend the Virtual Exhibits (to be used for customers or staff)
may be purchased for $250
Please see the Exhibitor Page for more benefits!
Virtual Supporter/Exhibitor and Exhibitor Registration ends on August 2, 2021
There are no refunds for the 2021 SEE/MAPLD Virtual Event |
Not applicable for 2021 - The SEE/MAPLD Combined Workshop will be a hosted in a virtual format